Simple photo sharing

Stay up to date with your family and friends without the distraction of sponsored or promoted posts and adverts.

Foto Feed is a safe, invitation-only environment where you are in control and can choose who follows your updates.

If you’d like to join our early access beta testing team, please click the relevant button below to sign up for access.


Invite only those you’d like into your feed and know that your life updates are only available to the ones you most care about and that no one is using your personal data for reasons outside of your control.


We’ve tried very hard to make Foto Feed as simple as possible, ensuring that the basics are done well, and the unnecessary is left out.

Our mission is to avoid the traps of many before us, by remaining true to our goals of being the simplest and safest photo-sharing platform without the need for a traditional “Social Media” account.


We put an emphasis on using suppliers and providers who share our desire to leave this planet in better shape than we found it.

Our infrastructure is on-demand and minimalistic ensuring that we only use only the minimum amount of energy required in an effort to reduce our overall carbon footprint.


Pure Privacy

No tracking, no analytics, no advertising, no profiling.

Built For Us

Created for our family and friends and hopefully yours also.

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